It is an electrolytic process based on Nickel, has as advantages that it is more uniform in each point of the piece, likewise it is a coating highly resistant to temperature and to the friction and mechanical impacts that the piece can suffer during its transport and use.

It has a glossy finish and is less resistant to oxidation than other coatings.

We also have nickel sulfamate that has other advantages.

Nuestras Instalaciones

  • PLANTA MONTERREY (Juan de La Barrera 2150, Col. Moderna, CP. 64550 Monterrey, N.L.)
  • PLANTA CIENEGA (Aguila Azteca 131, Parque Industrial Milimex, CP. 65550 Cienega de Flores, N.L.)

Our facilities

  • MONTERREY PLANT (Juan de La Barrera 2150, Col. Moderna,CP. 64550 Monterrey, N.L.)
  • CIENEGA PLANT (Aguila Azteca 131, Parque Industrial Milimex, CP. 64550Cienega de Flores, N.L.)

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Tel. (81) 1739 0357

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