Also known as copper plating, the copper coating is carried out by means of the electrolytic bath that is given on metal parts, whether steel, copper or zamak, and which mainly serve to increase the resistance of oxidation, corrosion or wear. This type of coating improves conductivity and weldability.

Copper is a very noble element which helps us to improve the mechanical aspects of the piece as well as the resistance to temperature.


Nuestras Instalaciones

  • PLANTA MONTERREY (Juan de La Barrera 2150, Col. Moderna, CP. 64550 Monterrey, N.L.)
  • PLANTA CIENEGA (Aguila Azteca 131, Parque Industrial Milimex, CP. 65550 Cienega de Flores, N.L.)

Our facilities

  • MONTERREY PLANT (Juan de La Barrera 2150, Col. Moderna,CP. 64550 Monterrey, N.L.)
  • CIENEGA PLANT (Aguila Azteca 131, Parque Industrial Milimex, CP. 64550Cienega de Flores, N.L.)

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Tel. (81) 1739 0357

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